- Circular economy
- Local government
100% recycled content bins
The primary objective of this in-field trial of 100% recycled content was to test the durability and long-term viability of kerbside bins made from 100% recycled materials. The tough service life of MGBs means that they require a high resistance to impact and abrasion, high tolerance to environmental stress, and long-term resistance to UV degradation. Balancing the strength of MGBs while incorporating as much recycled plastic as possible is desirable.
This initiative, conducted in collaboration between the cities of Charles Sturt and Port Adelaide Enfield, with funding support from Green Industries SA, involved approximately 200 properties across the 2 council areas. A new set of 3 bins (consisting of a 140L landfill, a 240L recycling and a 240L organics bin) with bodies made from 100% recycled materials was provided to each property.