- Corporate
Annual Report 2023–24
Green Industries SA (GISA) is leading South Australia’s transition to a circular economy, eliminating waste and maximising the value of all resources.
Our vision is to create a sustainable future, focusing on the value of materials in a circular economy and providing economic, social and environmental benefits. We are known for South Australia’s leadership in resource recovery and waste management. These are core components of a transition to a circular economy, and during 2023-24, GISA continued to build upon these successes.
GISA delivers on its statutory functions and strategic objectives through programs that reach into South Australian households, businesses, industry sectors and government. We do this through leadership and advocacy, policy development and implementation, incentives, guidance and partnerships, and education and behaviour change. Further to this, GISA is the designated lead in the South Australian Government for disaster waste management under the state’s emergency management arrangements. Building on work that commenced in 2022-23, in 2023-24 GISA continued its contribution to the community’s recovery from the River Murray flooding event through the delivery of the River Murray flood waste and debris cleanup program.
Please review the 2023–24 Annual Report for GISA for more of our achievements.