- Corporate
Business Plan 2016-17 (varied February 2017)
This Business Plan for 2016-17 sets out the programs and initiatives to be undertaken by Green Industries SA under Section 14 of the Green Industries SA Act 2004. It reflects the agency’s transition as the South Australian Government has finalised the legislative arrangements for establishing the new agency, Green Industries SA. Green Industries SA will build on the achievements of Zero Waste SA. It will develop the green economy1 in response to global and local demand for clean and green produce, reduced emissions to air, water and soil from industry, more efficient use of resources, and the conservation and recovery of scarce resources. This Business Plan support the primary objectives of the Green Industries SA Act 2004: • To promote waste management practices that, as far as possible, eliminate waste or its consignment to landfill; and • To promote innovation and business activity in the waste management, resource recovery and green industry sectors, recognising that these areas present a valuable opportunity to contribute to the State's economic growth. In 2016-17 Green Industries SA will focus on the following key areas: • Investing in local government waste and resource recovery initiatives through a new grant funding program to support infrastructure development and food waste recycling in 2016-17 with other initiatives to roll out in subsequent years. • Stimulating economic growth and meeting South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2015-20 objectives through a State-wide industry infrastructure program. • Improving business’ resource efficiency thereby reducing consumption, reducing waste, reducing costs and improving business productivity. • Encouraging the commercialisation of innovation to help keep South Australia at the forefront of green innovation in the waste, recycling and resource recovery sectors.