- Circular economy
Roadmap for Zero Waste Ahmedabad (2017)
The International Partnership for Expanding Waste Management Services of Local Authorities (IPLA) aims is foster partnerships to achieve sustainable waste management. This Road Map for Zero Waste Ahmedabad forms part of this initiative and has been prepared with assistance from the United Nations Recent years have seen greater recognition of the challenge that society’s waste poses for the environment and the community. The responsibility is a serious concern for local authorities all over the world. The concept of Zero Waste aims to minimize use of resources and maximize the ongoing benefits of the intrinsic value within the waste generated by society. Ahmedabad has become one of the first metropolitan cities from the developing world to adopt a zero waste goal. Almost 110,667 metric tonnes (MT) of solid waste is generated from the city every month. Around 98 percent of this is collected by AMC. Of this, about 10,000 MT is currently processed. About 90 percent of the generated waste is being dumped in the open at the Pirana landfill site. Waste disposal is expensive, both financially and in terms of lost resources. A sustainable, preventative and comprehensive approach towards waste is needed. The Zero Waste Road Map will act as a visionary guiding document for AMC in its journey to achieve Zero Waste by the year 2031. AMC calls upon all crelevant key stakeholders, including Government Departments, private and business sector, scientific and research institutions, NGOs, financial institutions, informal sector, and citizens to actively cooperate with AMC in achieving this goal.