- Waste and recycling
SA's Waste & Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (2016)
The Review of South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2011-2015 (Resources and Waste Advisory Group, 2014) identified waste and resource recovery infrastructure planning and investment as a critical requirement to: • Support industry development and economic growth in the State • Maintain the State’s world class recycling performance • Transition to a more resource efficient, circular economy South Australia’s Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SAWRRIP) is being developed to provide a clear guide for future waste and resource recovery infrastructure needs across the State, and, in doing so, support a resource efficient economy in South Australia. For the first time, a draft plan has been prepared for South Australia and its regions. It presents all available information and data to project future waste flows and maps existing waste and resource recovery infrastructure by major types. It also identifies potential future infrastructure needs and investment opportunities and provides intelligence for industry which will assist in informing investment decisions. Potential infrastructure needs for specialised and problematic waste streams are also identified.