- Single-use plastics
Single-use Plastics Consultation Summary Report (2019)
During January and February 2019, South Australians were invited to provide comments and other feedback on the discussion paper Turning the tide on single-use plastic products. This discussion paper sought to further the public conversation about a range of single-use plastic products that are impacting the environment. Those people contributing to this consultation will help inform the government’s continued efforts to maintain South Australia’s national leadership in recycling and a transition to a circular economy. Green Industries SA (GISA) thanks the individuals and organisations who submitted feedback. The response document summarises the key themes and issues emerging from this wide-ranging consultation.
It will help inform government interventions on single-use plastic products to be developed during the coming year. The consultation used different channels to ensure that feedback was gathered from a wide variety of stakeholders - from members of the community to those with professional or community-based interests in this topic, such as Local Government, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and shared interest groups, waste and resource recovery organisations, business and industry stakeholders.
GISA received 3,564 submissions, comments, survey responses and letters from members of the general public. In addition, 68 submissions were received from industry stakeholders. The strong weight of public opinion is an indication of the degree of interest in the topic of single-use plastics among South Australians.