- Single-use plastics
Turning the Tide on Single-use Plastics: NEXT STEPS (2019)
The government acknowledges that intervention on single-use plastic products requires consideration of any significant or unintended consequences to businesses and the community. Therefore, a taskforce of select business, industry, local government and interest group stakeholders will be established to ensure associated impacts are properly considered and inform the development of legislation.
Plastic-free precincts are being established to pilot the phase-out of single-use plastic products and items. The precincts will be voluntary business/retailer led, and trial the phase-out of the items identified by the government for intervention, as well as other items as identified/agreed. The selected precincts will help inform the wider phase-out of single-use items; identifying opportunities, challenges and barriers associated with transitioning away from single-use plastic products to reusable, recyclable or compostable alternatives, as well as inform support requirements for participating businesses.
The legislation will be drafted to implement a phase-out of the initial single-use plastic products identified for intervention, as well as to establish an overarching framework for possible inclusion of other items in the future. The government plans on releasing draft legislation for public consultation in late 2019 with the intention to introduce it to Parliament in 2020.