- Corporate
Green Industries SA Annual Review 2016-17
On 1 February 2017, the Green Industries SA Act 2004 was proclaimed into operation following legislation passing Parliament in November 2016. On 9 February 2017, members were appointed to the new Board of Green Industries SA. Green Industries SA (‘GISA’) is building on the achievements of Zero Waste SA, increasing South Australia’s capabilities and leadership in green industries, and encouraging innovation and economic growth through the development of the green economy.
Release of Creating value: the potential benefits of a Circular Economy in South Australia: On 26 May 2017, the Premier of South Australia, the Hon Jay Weatherill MP, released a report commissioned by GISA on the potential benefits of pursuing a more circular economy in the State. The Creating value report is the first step in providing quantified information on employment, carbon emissions, energy and materials use if South Australia adopted practices to become a more Circular Economy.
Commercialising innovation: In 2016-17, GISA provided a loan of $750,000 to South Australian-based company Innovyz to run a fast-tracked mentoring and business development program. Innovyz has identified the waste and recycling sector as one with high potential for the development of new technologies and systems that would have global implications. Successful companies will establish a presence in South Australia and launch into world markets.
Investment in infrastructure: GISA approved more than $2.8 million in grant funding for Local Government, industry and not-for-profit waste management and resource recovery infrastructure projects in 2016-17. The projects will help deliver more than 60 jobs and attract more than $10 million in investment to the State. A further $745,000 was approved to Local Government organisations in kerbside performance incentives to encourage household food waste recycling systems.
South Australian Government Trade Waste Initiative: In 2016-17, GISA approved $263,517 in grants to 14 South Australian businesses under the Trade Waste Initiative. This comprised $122,165 through two rounds of resource productivity assessment grants and $141,352 for a food and beverage implementation grant, with five other implementation grants pending approval at the end of the financial year. Further rounds of funding will be available in 2017-18, with grant payments scheduled in accordance with project milestones that span into 2018-19.
Seventh Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific: Recognising South Australia’s leadership in waste management and resource recovery, the Seventh Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific was held in Australia for the first time in 2016. It is a prestigious global forum where political leaders and decision-makers from the Asia-Pacific region meet to guide policy and strengthen international co‑operation in the 3Rs – waste reduction, recycling and reuse.
Waste infrastructure planning: In September 2016, GISA released a draft State-wide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan and held a number of workshops and regional consultations. The agency also commissioned updated modelling using more recent data for projections and economic impacts. The Plan will provide a clear guide for infrastructure needs over the next 10 and 30 years, and supports a resource efficient economy in South Australia. A final plan will be released in 2017-18.